Saturday, June 16, 2007

"Oh What a Night"

The music heard in route to a bar inevitably sets the tone for the night. As I picked up my best friend since kindergarten and headed downtown, the music gods smiled upon us and played a few songs that were vital to our tenure in high school. Bitch by Meredith Brooks happened to be one of these songs, and as we were driving singing, "I'm a bitch, I'm a tease, I'm a goddess on my knees," I knew that the night would be anything but ordinary.

Another indicator of an interesting night was the toast we selected as we drank our beers on the patio at Mcoul's. "Here's to the boys that we love. Here's to the boys that love us, but the boys that we love aren't the boys that love us so fuck the boys, here's to us!" That simple toast and the fact that we hadn't seen each other for six months, helped put us into a sassy mood as we hit the town. I mean what else could possibly lead me to tell Mr. High School Crush, "Just so you know, I plan on taking you home tonight, and I can't do that if you don't meet us."

Fast forward to the high points of the night at The Rhino, where a guy surely in his late thirties bought me a beer and attempted to impress me by doing the escalator and elevator, the bouncer telling me that I can rip his shirt off anytime when I told him he looked like Clark Kent with the pretend glasses and I was just waiting for him to duck in a phone booth and come out with his Superman suit, and being told by Ms. Elementary School that she wasn't hitting on me but I just looked sexy.

The after party ended up being at my house, where my neighbor, Mr. High School Crush, and Crush's lacrosse teammate joined us three girls. Once the boys arrived, I disappeared with Mr. High School Crush for a bit, and let me tell you, as his arms were wrapped around me, the fact that I still really haven't heard much from Mr. Emotionally Unavailable was the furthest thing from my mind. I guess it's really true what they say about how the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new!!!

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